Monday, 21 July 2008

A Wendy House in the Jungle

Left to the centre, up the hill to the site.

Yesterday's FAGE visitor.

A number of groups have set up instruments in the rainforest canopy - which is not the easiest place to work. Personally, I think they should have gone for a pink wendy house.

You might be able to make out the different canopy platforms.

Another lovely birthday cake to enjoy on the veranda at Danum.

Monday, 14 July 2008

Elephants and Planes

The campaign is starting to reach it's final stages but there's still more and more wildlife to admire. Some Orang Utans keep returning to the trees right next to the site for lunch and I saw some red leaf monkeys near the rest house recently. There is a herd of pygmy elephants close to the site now, we saw about 10 at night - they are only about 5 ft tall. If they get any closer we won't be able to travel along the road alone.
The aircraft measurement campaign started last week-they've been flying past at 500ft!

Aircraft picture taken by Martin Irwin

Field work takes it's toll on Hilke

Graham is proving himself as fixer of the campaign

Pea pod Gavin:

A rainbow over Danum Valley

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

22 candles at the ginkana

A few birthday pictures from the jungle -

Roisin brought a much loved chocolate delivery.

Buffy the owl decided not to join us :(

Sunday, 6 July 2008

Candlelit cards

Last night an Orang Utan slept in a tree right by the rest house - it was too lazy for us to see it before we set off for the site today though.

We lost power at the field centre for 3 days, which meant candlelit dinners - the only problem with this was the loss of electricity for the pumps, so those of us staying at the hostel were without water too. Some people had to be inventive, which meant washing in the monitor lizard invested river.

Candlelit cards

Moving a PTR-MS takes 8 guys and a packet of lukosade sweets as amunition. This was stage 1 - they then had to haul it through nearly 1000 m of leech infested jungle.